I got home tonight, made some liver and onions...yummy, I was just settling in for a nice evening when the phone rang. It was the alarm service from the office telling me the alarm had gone off and asked if I would respond to meet the police and go in to see if someone was there. It has never gone off in the 5 1/2 years I've worked there. I knew that the secretary who forgets everything was the last to leave and had been specifically told not to turn on the alarm because the other lawyer was going to be very late in court.
Well, the alarm people just told me I needed to go down there and the police would be waiting. So I said give me 10 minutes to get there. When I arrived, no police, no one, just a dark office...so I unlocked the door, turned off the alarm and went in, looked around, everything was fine (as I expected) and came home. I called and left a message for the other lawyer and about a half hour later he called me. Turns out the secretary turned on the alarm after he specifically told her not to. So when he got back from court at 6:30 PM, the alarm went off. He talked to the company and all was supposedly well, but they forgot to tell me...so I went to the office.
The upside of this is that this is the same secretary who I had SOOO many problems with, but who the other secretary covered for and together, they made it seem like it was my fault, and I was just unreasonable (I was asking that my work be done correctly, imagine that)
The other lawyer now gets what I was dealing with and has finally figured out what's up. The incompetent one is going to be there without her cohort to cover for her for 2 weeks. I will be gone for one of them. It will be interesting to see what happens while I'm gone. I do all my own work because of the situation, the other lawyer relies almost totally on the secretaries to do things for him. He's aware now that all the work the incompetent one does is checked and fixed by the other secretary and will watch things, but he's really worried. That's what happens when no one listens to me. I have a feeling things may be getting better very soon.....