And I guess this sort of fits in with today's Topic of the Day... And I think I've told this "story" before...
I've always loved
Sunday in the Park with George. -(Especially the second act.) When I first got the record, I played it over and over. I was just fascinated by the sound of it all. And I believe the CD for the show was one of the first if not the first CD I ever bought.
When the vocal selections came out, I loved - and still do - playing "Finishing the Hat". Such a wonderful key - G-flat - lots of black notes. And it fits so wonderfully under the fingers. And such a great lyric. Of course, I was in high school at the time, so I never really had an idea of just how great a lyric it was/is. *And I remember playing it for my friend, Tim Doyle, for one of this school functions... Ah...

So... Fast forward a couple of years... I was a part of the Kennedy Center's Sondheim Celebration in 2002. I was one of the rehearsal pianists for
Sweeney Todd (the opening production of the festival), and
A Little Night Music (the closing production). Needless to say, it was all quite a heady and exciting time - a true beyond my wildest dreams experience. However, I'd have to say the most moving and memorable experience that summer was when I was an audience member.
That summer, unfortunately, also happened to be when Steve and I "broke up". I was a couple of weeks into rehearsals when we had "the talk". It was all very amicable and adult, but, still, after being together for three and half years, it hurt. A lot. Thankfully, luckily, I had my work to keep me busy, to keep me happy. -And in retrospect to keep me "distracted".
So... As I was sitting in the audience watching
Sunday in the Park with George, I began to feel as if I was watching my life at that time. And when Raul Esparza started singing "Finishing the Hat" - well, actually when that first chord of the intro was hit...
Yes, she looks for me... Good
Let her look for me
To tell me why she left me...I started crying. Sobbing actually. I finally got what the song was about. What the show was about. *And I was also lucky that my friend, Michael, happened to have some Kleenex with him - I practically did not stop crying for the duration of the show.
So, I guess that was sort of delayed life-changing moment.
*And to bring this long post to a close - and a happy ending - Steve and I continued to stay in touch, and stay close. In fact, I feel we are better friends now than when were "together". We're still "together", just not in that way.

**And as another friend of mine pointed out, Steve took care of me that summer. He knew I had work, he knew I had a distraction when we had "the talk".
If you love someone, set them free.