AAARRRGGGHHH!!! I thought that I would be going to bed shortly after the new notes were posted, but NOOOOO! I have to go to the store!

Why do I have to go to the store? I'll tell you why I have to go to the store. I have to go to the store because I have been wearing my contact lenses all day. That in itself isn't enough reason for me to go to the store, but when I was just about to take out my contact lenses, I discovered to my HORROR that I have no more contact lens solution!

I can't sleep with my contact lenses still on my eyballs, so I have to go to the store NOW and get some new contact lens solution so that I can take my contact lenses off of my eyeballs, place them in the new solution and be able to sleep. DAMN.
Fortunately, there are a couple of 24-hour grocery stores close by, so it won't take too long. And I'm still fully dressed...other than my shoes and socks.
So, on that note (crap-flat) let me just say good night, all.