And one more shot before I go! Last night, DR MBarnum wrote:
And I am not that fond of weiners in the morning.
After all the flack I got for two days about using my hand, not one vicious DRs commented on this post. For shame, people! Are you losing your touch?
You dare to mention the word "touch" in a post lambasting us for our persistent heckling of you and your hand? It's like shooting fish in a barrel...
Speaking of touch, I was at a little awards ceremony here in Prescott yesterday afternoon for the local Fine Arts Association scholarship competition -- Heather had won a couple of awards (2nd place in the classical voice, musical theatre, and drama competitions

) and some scholarship money, so I went to be her cheerleader [end shameful allusion to today's notes]. Well, to make a long story short, in the program, they had each kid's name and next to it, one or two sentences either quoting them about their respective field of art or their college plans, etc. Well, one of the kids who did a visual art piece had given an "inspiring" quote, that - thanks to the mindset you all put me in - I knew I had to come back and share. So here goes:
"Art touches people in ways that words can't and my goal in life is to touch as many people as possible."I had to stifle my laughter when I first noticed that right in the middle of one of the first place kid's performance...