Next time I'll try to have Gavin Creel stay at "my" hotel!!
Here's a note from his blog about that Paris vist of his!
Monday, February 19, 2007
greetings my love angels. i write you post-paris. a friend and i went. we took the eurostar (chunnel train: 20 minutes under the english channel....when you REALLLLLY think about it...crazy! kinda scary) left early sunday morning, spent the day jettin off to the eiffel tower, up to the top, PERFECT day, back to the hotel to freshen up, cab to the moulin rouge to find out it was sold out (and probably tackier than hell....DAMN we didn't get in!) walked through montmartre and found a great place for dinner (champagne, snails, soup, lamb, chocolate mousse, bottle of french rose) and finally, took a look into the incredible sacre coeur. came back to our boutique hotel in the 8th district (overpriced and kinda lame) and up in the morning in time to head back to the train station to zip off to london (first class it!)
back for the show monday night (tonight) to a packed house that sounded like they saw U2 in concert. love crowds like that. i didn't have the heart to tell them i wasn't bono, so i just bowed and drank it in. my weekend: it was a lot of fun, very chill, and completely worth it. one must spoil oneself once in a while.
i am making good on my promise to travel more in the new year. in the process of planning trips to scotland, paris again, italy in the fall, and hopefully wales, brighton, more of the coutryside for camping, and a trip to water somewhere. we'll see.