I have a meeting tomorrow. I would probably enjoy it more if I had a mint julep.
Good morning, all! I slept very poorly last night and as a result my schedule is off today. I am not happy about it. I have some Victor Herbert writing to accomplish since most of the weekend will be tied up with Brain surgery.
One of my colleagues in the Packard Humanities Institute project keeps telling me I have to start writing it down.
It's hot as hell in Philadel-phia!DR td lives in the Philadelphia area.Coincidence?I think NOT!
of course, my darling Fred, unlike this photo, you were wearing a big ol' smile all day ... and all night
La Dee DA Dee Da DaI can name that tune in three "Da's"!
I live nowhere NEAR to Philadelphia!
Oh, dear.Well, at least both Philadelphia and Pittsburgh start with a "P"!
Many thanks to the three J's - to Jeanne , to Jane and to Jorge.OK, i fudged George's name for that, but still...
DR JMK wrote:Maybe you find amanda prettier because you like her better.Both are extremely attractive. Especially to look that way with no make-up and stinky in the jungle.
Off like a Prom dress?
Here's a great list of reading recommendations:The Book Sense Spring-Summer 2008 Reading Group Picks