Well, I know the truth about the Rats in the Walls (a Lovecraft reference), and who they are. I even know some of them. To quote a show I love, They Had It Coming!
Now, I have to tell you all that I finished KRITZER TIME this morning, and I didn't want it to end. I know there are a million biographical novels out there, but BK's collection of eccentrics, nostalgia, comedy, tragedy, loss, despair, and ruminations on the human condition have made these three Kritzer novels (which I really consider one novel published in three installments) the closest thing I've read to a Dickens novel in a long time, mostly DAVID COPPERFIELD, but I caught a few traces of GREAT EXPECTATIONS as well. Those of you who have yet to become swept up in the Kritzer saga have much to look forward to.
When I saw THE FIRST NUDIE MUSICAL in 1979, I knew that I wanted to know and someday work with its talented author. After reading the Kritzer books, I wish Benjamin had lived in Ohio and been my best friend. We could have raised hell together.
Thank you, Dear Friend BK. I look forward to your next.