William E. Lurie, Add me to the club that never found STAR WARS the be all and end all. I really enjoyed the movie when it first came out and I was in the first audience who saw in Dallas, Texas, the day it opened. But I think I was just thrilled to see something like it when there hadn't been anything like it inso long. But even then, I could hardly agree with Time magazine's assessment of the Greatest Movie of All Time. And when I saw it a few months later, I was the thrill had begun to pall and I was able to watch the film much more objectively. Actually, to me, the best of the lot is THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, because of its darker colours (though I had the matinee serial ending...I think every movie should be complete in itself and tie up its loose ends...you should never have to wait for the next in the series). I really liked the way Revenge of the Jedi started it out and then it devolved into that horrid mess with those cuddly Ewoks and such. The two recent ones have been negligible. All five are perfectly fine, but the be all end all? None of them would make my top 25, probably not even my top 100.
JRand, I did mention the Playgirl and the Bellboy to June. She said it had been a real nothing experience and the director had been so inept that she had forgotten his name. So she was surprised when it was re-released a few years later after the direcotr had made a name for himself-- Francis Ford Coppola.
June is indeed more attractive and sexier than all those younger playmates. Mainly because she's genuine and she has a sense of humour.