It all started one day in English class, when my teacher made us write some in-class essays. Then, we had to exchange essays with each other and fill out peer evaluations on them. I traded papers with my best friend Vespi. At the end of the evaluation sheet, there was a spot for additional comments on the essay. I didn't know what to write there, so I wrote "Kudos" because the essay was pretty good.
When I handed Vespi his essay and the evaluation sheet, he read through it, and when he got to the end, he said, "Kudos?" and laughed. We sat right next to the whiteboard, so he picked up a dry erase marker and wrote "Kudos" on the board.
The next day, it was still there, so he drew a circle around it. There was also a small green dot on the board from a green marker. I don't now how it got there, but I picked up the green marker and made the dot a little bigger.
The next day, "Kudos" with the circle around it and the green dot were both still on the board. Vespi made the circle around "Kudos" into the head of a stick figure, and I drew another green layer around the dot.
Each day before the teacher got to class, I added another layer to the green dot, and Vespi added something more to the stick figure, whom we christened "Kudo-head" because he, you know, had "Kudos" for a head.
As the days went by, Kudo-head became pretty styling, decked out as he was with a hat, sneakers, and the other accessories that Vespi gave him each day. And the green dot soon became a giant green blob. I had to stand on my chair in order to add its daily layer of green marker.
Kudo-head and the Giant Green Blob stayed there all year, and they were still there when I checked at graduation.