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« Reply #60 on: January 16, 2005, 06:24:28 AM »

You know the internet has reached the height of ridiculousness when husband and lovely wife are in separate rooms under the same roof, posting on the same damned site.

ROTFLMAO--weren't you the one saying we were all going to throw away our computers and re-engage in human contact?   ;D  I hope you and LJF are feeling better today, though in my experience, the day after the accident is actually when you really start to hurt.

My worst accident:  I've actually been in a couple of very bad accidents.  The worst would probably be when I was a kid and my Dad had some kind of military banquet to go to, so he and my Mom made my sister take me with her on a date.  Her boyfriend had just gotten a new Porsche convertible.  We went to a drive-in.  They put me in the middle, straddling the gearshift.  They then decided to leave the movie and go up one of SLC's many canyons to get Spudnuts (does anyone still wear a Spudnut?  :)).  I was maybe 7 or 8, and it was the first time I had strong premonitions of disaster and I told them we were going to have an accident.  Luckily my sister put me in the passenger seat and fastened my seatbelt and she moved to the middle, straddling the gearshift.  Partway up the canyon the boyfriend, who of course was speeding, hit gravel and we spun around several times and plowed into a tree going at least 60 mph.  My sister went through the windshield and seriously cut her head (over 200 stitches).  We hit with such force that the seatbelt cut a rather sizeable gash into my waist.  By the grace of G-d, some old guy was driving down the canyon and had seen our headlights go off the road and stopped and picked us up and took us to the ER.  I still remember sitting in the waiting room while they took my sister into surgery and she, in shock, kept screaming "I want a Coke!!  Give me a Coke!"  Oy, oy, oy.

Some other time (maybe later today) I will tell the poignant yet hilarious story of my Mom rear-ending my Dad (who was driving his brand-new 1961 Renault).  The only time in my life I ever saw my Mom cry (including my Dad's funeral).  :)
« Last Edit: January 16, 2005, 06:24:57 AM by JMK »
Would you like to take a picture of my lipoma for posterity?

"It is a tale of conflicting loyalties, megalomania, love, hate and a number of other issues I can't remember."


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« Reply #61 on: January 16, 2005, 06:38:25 AM »

DR Charles Pogue and wife Jolie Femme, I'm glad you're both okay.  What a horrible story.  Good vibes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

DR Ann, feel better vibes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

DR TCB, glad you did better yesterday.


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« Reply #62 on: January 16, 2005, 06:39:44 AM »

Good morning, all!  While I dreamed of writing music, it seems all hell was breaking loose.  

DRCharles Pogue, I'm sorry about your accident, but it's good to know there were no injuries.  At least your cause of the accident was insured; it seems as if every article I read about an accident on the East Coast deals with either an uninsured driver or a revoked license.  So, outside of that, Mrs Lincoln, how was the play?

DRMBarnum, I hope you survived the treacherous terrain for the snows of next year.

DRSWoodyWhite, your post on shopping with the grandlads got me thinking about New York shoppers with their double strollers, too many fertility drugs in New York, and how obnoxious most young parents can be on the Upper West Side when they see their children on the weekends, since the nannies - most of whom are unprepared to be one - are the only parents the kids see during the week.  That's a whole rant unto itself for another time!

Late night places?  Well, New York never closes, so there's always a diner in  nearly every neighborhood open all night.  The market on the corner of 82nd and Amsterdam, about two doors from my apartment, is open until 2 am, so there's always a possible late-night fix.  These days, if I have to work all night on a project, I stock up around 7 pm for the loong haul.

When I was in school, at Miami U in Oxford, OH, the bars' kitchens closed at 11 or 12, so you could grab some food after a show, but if you were working late on a crew your only hope was Beasley's Bakery.  The bakers came in around 4 am, and the Miami University theatre crews used to hit Beasley's around 4:30 am for day-old pastry and milk or juice from the coolers.  We had to come in through the back door where the morning bread and other items were baking, choose our day-old goodies and pay for them, and we were allowed to sit at a table in their dining area for as long as we wanted.  I don't believe we ever stayed beyond 5:30, and my memory is they opened for business between 6:30 and 7 am.  I don't believe Beasley's exists any more, but it was one of my favorite places during grad school, 1968-1970.

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« Reply #63 on: January 16, 2005, 06:40:52 AM »

DR RLP, re: your comment yesterday about not blaming the NY Jets' kicker for their loss.  Well he did miss 2 field goals that each would have won the game.  So who else should I blame? :)

Actually I was happy the Jets lost, since they beat San Diego last week.  And my brother-in-law is a huge Steelers fan (he was NOT happy during last night's game).

Actually re: those 2 field goals.  The first one was not really his fault.  It was 47 yards or something, and he could only kick 46.  But he should have made the second one!  Add to that the fact that he did pretty badly last week! :)


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« Reply #64 on: January 16, 2005, 06:44:28 AM »

BK, KING OF QUEENS stars Kevin and James and Leah Remini and jerry stiller.  I'm not sure if you'll find it funny. I don't normally watch it, but have seen it.  Let us know what you think!

DR Jane, since you liked my peanut butter m&m comments, here are some more comments, but this time for a product that you cannot buy.
Vanilla smarties.  Normally smarties (which are basically m&ms but not so round) come in colors like pink, green, brown, purple, red ...  so all white ones seemed weird to me.  But they have a vanilla flavor (over the chocolate). And once you get used to them being all while they are quite good!


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« Reply #65 on: January 16, 2005, 06:46:41 AM »

DR Swoody: re: shopping for others.  We do this for birthdays and christmas.  ANd my mom does it regularly for my sis (she buys some of her groceries-the ones on sale that my sis wants at the store my mom goes to).  IT can be okay if the person pays you.  But I cannot believe you must do all Der Brucer's daughter's shopping! But at least the kids will have food.

Hmmm, tonight is the Golden Globes.  And Desperate Housewives.  Again we have DH on at 7pm.  But I love the GG red carpet show.  The dresses!


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« Reply #66 on: January 16, 2005, 06:54:36 AM »

So, today I've got to clean this dump and put some notes on paper.  I have a pops symphony chart to work on for Ron Raines, and I've been asked to score a Jule Styne song from the 1940s for Klea Blackhurst and a Jan 24 recording session.

Ron's chart will take most of today, the conductor for the Styne session will show up at some point with music and key for her (I believe he said D-flat), and my apartment right now looks like my room when I was 10!   I have at least an hour of tidying and carting junk to the trash.  I've also got to plan the time for the other wall of bookcases to be secured before they collapse.  I was going to do it in December since the work on the other wall is amazingly sturdy, but mundane matters like a health insurance quarterly premium depleted my bank account.

Heigh ho the glamorous life!
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« Reply #67 on: January 16, 2005, 07:15:51 AM »

DR Pogue and the Lovely Wife - Glad you're both okay! The accident sounds horrific. And, as you say, the randomness of it all gives one pause. Good vibes for a speedy recovery, both from the physical aspects and the trauma.

My worst accident: A strange one when I was a teenager. I hated my mother's third husband. (Yes, I'm using the h-word quite intentionally - there are not too many people in my life I've truly hated - but I hated this man). He was a jerk in every way. I hardly spoke to him, let alone get in the car with him. But one day I really needed a ride somewhere and he was the only one available. So I'm sitting in the passenger seat and he's driving along in normal traffic on a busy street in Toronto. We get to a light. The truck in front of us comes to a stop -- and the #%$@ man beside me is thinking about something or has a brain lapse, I don't know, but he just keeps driving. Makes no effort to slow down or stop. As if the truck weren't there. He drives full speed right into the truck. I mean INTO it - they had to pry the two vehicles apart after the accident. Luckily, I had my legs extended, bracing me, so I didn't go through the windshield. My knees got banged up, of course. Mr. Jerk, who for some reason was not hurt in any way, never even asked if I was okay. The police couldn't figure out why there were no skid marks, why no attempt was made to brake. Apparently, I sustained some sort of whip lash injury which was never treated (I didn't know I was hurt other than the bruises on my knees). Because of that I live with chronic neck and back pain which worsens the older I get.
The End.
(My mother finally divorced the jerk -- who tried to take her hard-earned money in the divorce. She paid him a settlement, but he didn't get 50% of her assets, which is what he was going for. Have I mentioned he was a jerk? He is now dead.)
« Last Edit: January 16, 2005, 08:28:21 AM by Panni »


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« Reply #68 on: January 16, 2005, 07:52:23 AM »

 :'( Sad to hear of The Pogues' accident;  :) glad that everyone is uninjured.

Let's listen now, Shirley Bassey is asking "Where are you, moonraker?"
(perhaps she should put in a call to Neil Armstrong).
If I could be for only an hour, cute, cute, CUTE in a stupid-assed way!


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« Reply #69 on: January 16, 2005, 08:24:10 AM »

DR. Pogues: Glad to hear you're okay

Never stop dreaming.

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« Reply #70 on: January 16, 2005, 08:25:22 AM »

I don't like any of the CBS comedies including THE KING OF QUEENS. They're just not my cup of tea, but obviously lots of people like them because they have had long runs.
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« Reply #71 on: January 16, 2005, 08:29:49 AM »

Bad, bad traffic accidents certainly show us how tenuous our lives are. We can be fine and dandy and one second later be gone.

I have been in one horrific wreck in my life, and it was my fault. I was stopped on an interstate waiting to make a left turn onto a side road. Traffic was coming so I was stopped. I looked and looked and saw no cars, so I turned the wheel, put on the gas, and ran slam bang into the driver's side of a car that had come over a hill going at least 100 MPH. If I hadn't just come from a dead stop and thus not going more than 5 MPH, we surely would have been killed. I was a junior in college, so all of this was a long, long time ago.
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« Reply #72 on: January 16, 2005, 08:34:29 AM »

Today is HT Day - Home Theater Day. My friend that I have been helping purchase equipment for his home theater is finally ready to hook it all up in the upstairs room he is turning into a home theater. I am chomping at the bit to get to it and see how all of this is going to work. The room is quite large, and the results should be spectacular once we get everything coordinated. This comes at the end of a couple of months of shopping for the various components he wanted and needed.

We selected a Toshiba 52" DLP widescreen HDTV for him. This was the set I had had my eye on, so I'm anxious to see once we get everything hooked up how wonderful it is. If it's half as great as I'm expecting, I may be making a TV purchase myself tonight.
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« Reply #73 on: January 16, 2005, 08:36:22 AM »

I loved the color pic of Mary Martin as Annie, DR George, that you used for your DVD cover shots. Was this pic inside that CD recording of ANNIE that she and Raitt made? (I never bought it on CD as I had the LP and didn't much like it.)

I'm also glad the DVD-R I made worked in your player. I'm always nervous that those homemade DVDs won't play for everyone.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2005, 08:41:03 AM by Matt H. »
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« Reply #74 on: January 16, 2005, 08:50:59 AM »

You know the internet has reached the height of ridiculousness when husband and lovely wife are in separate rooms under the same roof, posting on the same damned site.
Not really ridiculous.  It's kind of like having two phone extentions in the house, so you can both be part of the conversation with another party.
There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, and the sea's asleep, and the rivers dream; people made of smoke and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice, somewhere else the tea's getting cold. Come on, Ace. We've got work to do.

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« Reply #75 on: January 16, 2005, 09:07:28 AM »

DR RLP, re: your comment yesterday about not blaming the NY Jets' kicker for their loss.  Well he did miss 2 field goals that each would have won the game.  So who else should I blame? :)

Actually I was happy the Jets lost, since they beat San Diego last week.  And my brother-in-law is a huge Steelers fan (he was NOT happy during last night's game).

Actually re: those 2 field goals.  The first one was not really his fault.  It was 47 yards or something, and he could only kick 46.  But he should have made the second one!  Add to that the fact that he did pretty badly last week! :)

Blame the team.  Had the defense managed to stop the other team, the other team would not have scored as many points.

Had the offense, including the quarterback, done its job correctly, the kicker would NOT have been in a position to HAVE to save the game for them.  He is no more guilty than anyone else on the team for the team having lost.

They only bring out the kicker when the offense cannot move the ball any's not the kicker's fault the entire offensive line is unable to score a touchdown.

It's great when a team has a kicker they can rely upon to get them the points they need to win a game.  Yes, he's hired to "make" those kicks.  And very good teams often need the kicker to make a crucial 3-point play when time is running out and they can't possibly hope to score before the clock ticks out.

But stuff happens and it's never an exact science.  My point is that he, alone, is not responsible for the team's loss.  
« Last Edit: January 16, 2005, 09:16:00 AM by Ron Pulliam »
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« Reply #76 on: January 16, 2005, 09:08:46 AM »

Good Morning!

Well, I need to get ready to get ready to get ready to head in for the matinee.... in less than two hours!  -And there are street closings downtown due to the Inaugural Parade practice... So...

DR Pogues - Glad to know you're both all right.  Good Post-Accident Vibes.

As for late night eats - In Richmond, 3rd Street Diner, 4th Street Diner, Aunt Sarah's Pancake House.  Here in northern Virginia: Bob & Edith's Diner and the Amphora (great 24-hour places).

Details later....

As for car accidents...  Hmm... My first one in my car, I think.   -I remember the damage, but now I can't remember how it happened.  And there was one in my father's Impala on the 14th Street Bridge that involved a truck hauling some dirt.  Let's just say, the hub of the tire took off the rear view mirror.  However, that was basically all the damage.  However, again, seeing that tire through my window.... Yikes!

OK... I gotta run...

Make Your Own Luck.

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« Reply #77 on: January 16, 2005, 09:12:32 AM »

Quote from: Ron Pulliam on January 14, 2005, 11:39:46 AM

"I like thighs.  Do you like thighs?"

Name movie, actor delivering the line, and actor to whom the line was delivered.

And Dan in Toronto offered:
What's New Pussycat?
Penny O
Peter Sellers

I plumb forgot to follow up on this and I apologize.

To my knowledge, Penny O was NOT in "What's New, Pussycat?"

Peter O'Toole WAS, and it was to Peter O'Toole that Peter Sellers delivered the line.
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« Reply #78 on: January 16, 2005, 09:23:04 AM »

There's a topic - when you were younger what were your favorite late-night eateries and what did you like to have.

When I was in college, one of my favorite after-movie treats was stopping at a Shonee's for one of their hot fudge sundaes.

There was a bakery in town that closed at 8 p.m., but you could drop by at 7:30 p.m. and get a baker's dozen, plus whatever was left at "baker's dozen price", of the most scrumptious apple fritters I've ever tasted.

When I lived in Indianapolis, my favorite "late-night" place to go was White Castle.  I'd get a dozen burgers, an order of onion chips and a large milk shake.  I'd take them home and watch science fiction movies on TV.  Man!  Nothing like a White Castle burger!!!! YUM!
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« Reply #79 on: January 16, 2005, 09:27:57 AM »

Re:  The ladies' finals in figure skating.

Long Live Michelle Kwan, Queen of the U.S. Ladies!

However, I'll concede MattH's point about their performances...they did not look strong, any of them.  I don't think Michelle Kwan has a prayer of defeating Irina Slutskaya or the Japanese girls at World's unless she wholly revamps her program to include triple-triples.  She'll need at least one combination, but would be ultra-competitive with two.  She is with Rafael Artunian, her coach, because he's strong in coaching jumps.  I've seen no proof of that in the year she's been with him, but I'll trust that there are some surprises on the horizon.  

She's still the most glorious thing on ice...but she needs to take some risks.

Johnny Weir needs to take his jumps up a notch, as well.  I hope he's working on a quad or two, preferably one in combination with a triple.
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« Reply #80 on: January 16, 2005, 09:40:45 AM »

I'm very glad you and your wife escaped unharmed (so far as we know at this time), DR Pogue.

I deliberately plot out "safe" routes for myself to -- hopefully -- prevent such encounters.  We have a number of traffic "hot spots" that I avoid at all costs.  

But even "safe" routes have their dangers.  I cannot totally blame cell phones for the lack of concentration other drivers are exhibiting, but the phones are a serious danger to everyone.  

Law enforcement simply isn't around any more to cite traffic violations/violators.  Red lights are routinely run.  I've been "nearly" hit several times just crossing a street as a pedestrian...twice by a city bus.  I've called in and reported the incident, along with the bus number, but nothing to my knowledge is ever done.  I've certainly never gotten an apology from anyone.

I recommend you buy (if you don't have some) a bag of Epsom Salts and dissolve them in a tub of very warm water...and then soak your body in them.  The salts soothe/ease the aches your muscles will no doubt inform you are there in due time.  

The salts will help...greatly.
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« Reply #81 on: January 16, 2005, 10:29:51 AM »

Good morning!  I got my full eight hours of sleep and now I am ready, willing, and able (RWA, in Internet lingo) to bunny hop all the livelong day and night.

What I find funny about King of Queens is that it's been on for seven years and I've never heard of it before last night.  



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« Reply #82 on: January 16, 2005, 10:30:47 AM »

elmore, nobody here but us chickens.  What Styne song is Klea doing and for what album?  We love Klea.


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« Reply #83 on: January 16, 2005, 10:48:39 AM »

Cluck, cluck.

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« Reply #84 on: January 16, 2005, 10:49:26 AM »

So many people are torn between watching the Golden Globes and Desperate Housewives.

Me, I'm planning on watching Iron Chef America!

Not only is the host my fave, Alton Brown, but this week's challenger is Chicago-based chef Rick Bayless, who is such a cutie!

 ;D ;D ;D
« Last Edit: January 16, 2005, 10:51:08 AM by S. Woody White »
There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, and the sea's asleep, and the rivers dream; people made of smoke and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice, somewhere else the tea's getting cold. Come on, Ace. We've got work to do.


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« Reply #85 on: January 16, 2005, 11:02:43 AM »

Good morning all
I slept in this morning, which felt good.  I woke up totally stuffed up in my nose, which did not feel good.  However, I took a long hot shower and that seems to have helped.  
I had strange dreams of large waves and trying to rescue children from them.  I suppose it makes sense, given that last night I watched a lot of the Tsunami Aid concert and caught part of Blue Crush, a rather bad movie about surfing huge waves.  


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« Reply #86 on: January 16, 2005, 11:04:04 AM »

Hi folks.

Thank goodness nothing really bad happened to the Pouges!  I know you will be sore but I’m so glad you are not really hurt.  The car can be replaced, you and the Lovely Wife can not.

I have never had an accident myself and can only remember being in one when I was growing up.

It’s a bit of a long story but it was back in the time when I was what I would call a bit “sensitive”.  My parents had bought a used travel trailer.  All I know is that I couldn’t stand to go near the thing.  I kept telling them that it wasn’t going to be around for very long so there was no point in it.

My parents, on the other hand, spent many, many a night sitting in it before we took it out for its first trip.

The parents decided to take it on the annual trip to Pittsburgh.   The night before we left I had a dream.  I saw that thing turning end over end.  I told my parents before we left that it would not be coming back with us. They laughed.

We made it to Georgia and stayed the night.   Everything was fine and my parents said that dream was just that—a bad dream.  

The next day we stopped at rest stop somewhere on the way.  I laid down in the back of the car to take a nap.  The next think I knew I heard my Mom scream and as I looked out the window, there was the trailer BESIDE the car!

Then it was turning end over end just like I saw it in my dream!

We were all pretty shook up but unharmed.  We learned that the trailer had popped off the hitch but if it hadn’t, the car would have turned over with it.  

It was a total loss and as I predicted, it did not make the trip home with us.  

I still remember the cop saying how lucky we were.  I also remember the ketchup dripping out the door of the thing and the cop asking if there was anyone in it.  

We continued the trip the Pittsburgh sans trailer.

DR Panni, I wanted to ask if Chooster will be making the trip to NYC with you.  Think of the possible photo opps!

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« Reply #87 on: January 16, 2005, 11:09:38 AM »

elmore, nobody here but us chickens.  What Styne song is Klea doing and for what album?  We love Klea.

Dear Friend BK, I don't know the name of the song!  I've been waiting here all morning for the conductor to call me.  It's for PS Classics, and it's for an Jule Styne Centennial album, I believe, since 2005 is his centennial.

I love Klea, too!  You and I had dinner with her at Joe Allen's many eons ago.  I feel like the opening to STAR WARS.
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« Reply #88 on: January 16, 2005, 11:21:29 AM »

You know the internet has reached the height of ridiculousness when husband and lovely wife are in separate rooms under the same roof, posting on the same damned site.

No, I believe the height of ridiculousness is when husband and lovely wife are in separate rooms under the same roof, having phone sex with each other.

I certainly hope that both Pogues will be okay and have little to show from their accident, but a few bruises and a new car.

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« Reply #89 on: January 16, 2005, 11:21:56 AM »

Good morning, fellow dear readers.

Glad to hear the Pogues are unhurt after their accident. How frightening!

I was only in one accident: in North Hollywood, last year. Some guy turned left in front of me, without first ascertaining there were no other cars occupying the same space. No damage to my car -- his wasn't so lucky.

Now I am off to a mind-numbing meeting, which should last several hours.
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