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Dan (the Man)

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« Reply #120 on: September 13, 2005, 11:21:31 AM »

I have also won some prizes on radio call-in contests:

A case of Mountain Dew (which I never picked up because I don't like Mountain Dew and I didn't live in the city in those days and I wasn't about to lug a case of soda across town and then onto the speed-line train.)
CDs by John Cougar Melloncamp, Paul Young and David Bowie
Tickets to a Dire Straits concert

I am a lucky, lucky guy!
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« Reply #121 on: September 13, 2005, 11:22:00 AM »

Today is also election day for a special election in the Los Angeles area, one that der Brucer has been helping with.

And you do know, Dear Readers, what I have been doing!

I have generated customized phone lists to keep the phone bank people busy right up till the polls close 8)  

der Brucer

PS: For those of you who care about the strategy, we are phoning those people who were mailed absentee ballots and have not yet returned them (or at least they haven't arrived). We remind the voter that if they haven't mailed their ballot, they can still fill it out and drop it off at their polling place.

In CA anybody can request an absentee ballott for any reason. In recent elections, roughly 40% of the votes were cast by absentee - meaning the election was probably determined well before the actual polling day. In this particular election, one of the more threatening challengers has already dropped out of the race; however, his name is still on the ballot! This is a special election, conducted like an open primary - if one candidate gets 50%+1 they win the seat, otherwise the top vote getters in each party compete in a run off. The "other party" is running only one candidate, who is a relative unknown (their best shot was the widow of the previous seat holder, but she refused to run); "our party" has four candidates on the ballot, one of whom (who was the front runner) has dropped out, one of whom is a gal with absolutly no political experience, but because she pledged to use $500,000 of her own money in the campaign was endorsed by the party operatives in the state capital, and one more who is a nobody knows/nobody cares dilatante.

The Money lady's campaign has been fun to watch:

Candidate claims she "has always been a good Republican".

Reporter claims she was previously registerd as an American Independent (George Wallace's old party).

Candidate claims that that registration was " a fraud".

Newpaper publishes photocopy of the registration with what is unarguably her signature and the AI party block checked..

Candidate claims she never filled out the party chioce block (yeah, sure).

Candidate tells press "I Mispoke"

Reporter unearths even earlier registration from her home in another county where she was registered as a Democrat.

Candidate publically admits to telling an "absolute falshood".

"Our side" has been out spent 10-1, but, if we can hold the Dem to under 50% and take the plurality of the Republican votes. we get to a run-off in November for which we have a good chance of winning.

The local paper has been so incensed by the string-pulling from the state capital that the enditorial endorsement was for voters to vote for either ouy guy or the Dem and force a run-off where the voters can have a chance to really evaluate the candidates.

(If anybody has read this far, you have far too much time on your hands :)

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« Reply #122 on: September 13, 2005, 11:22:45 AM »

Having a rough day at work. I could stand winning a few things in court today, but not so lucky this morning. Let's hope it gets better this afternoon!

Dan (the Man)

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« Reply #123 on: September 13, 2005, 11:23:38 AM »

Page Five

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« Reply #124 on: September 13, 2005, 11:25:00 AM »

DR MBARNUM if you can win a contest without entering then you are really lucky!

But I get e-mails to this effect all the time!  They say I've won some international lottery, but I don't remember ever entering. ;)
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« Reply #125 on: September 13, 2005, 11:28:40 AM »

I did win about $37.50 on a nickel at Slots O'Fun in Vegas.  When all those nickels started pouring out of the machine, the waitress (who had not been particularly attentive to anybody up to that point) high-tailed it over to me and asked if she could gte me anything from the bar.  I guess they wanted me to drink a little, so they could win the money back from me.  :)

Ron Pulliam

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« Reply #126 on: September 13, 2005, 11:33:06 AM »

For DR RonP or any other cooking experts.

You were mentioning grilling pans a couple of weeks ago. Do you actually have one? And if so is it square or round?  And do you have the recipe you were talking about for steaks?

I have the round pan, a picture of which I posted here the day it was being discussed.

For the recipes:,,FOOD_9936_16096,00.html
« Last Edit: September 13, 2005, 11:35:37 AM by Ron Pulliam »
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« Reply #127 on: September 13, 2005, 11:38:52 AM »

I'm listening to "Night Letter" over and over again. So much fun...


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« Reply #128 on: September 13, 2005, 11:40:39 AM »

DR RonP, I could not remember if you had the round pan or the square one.  I was looking for a grill pan this weekend and saw one of each. Is there anything I should look for?


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« Reply #129 on: September 13, 2005, 11:45:16 AM »

Oh. I don't have any pictures of me as Jack in INTO THE WOODS, but I did just email the head of the theatre department at my undergrad school to see if he has any. I'm not holding my breath. I did manage to find a couple of pictures from our production of HMS PINAFORE, which was just after INTO THE WOODS. This was 1997. I turned 21 during the run of PINAFORE. In fact, I seem to recall this photo shoot was on my birthday. Hmm...go figure.

I'm in the very front.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2005, 11:46:47 AM by Jason »


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« Reply #130 on: September 13, 2005, 11:49:01 AM »

And a second one...


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« Reply #131 on: September 13, 2005, 12:03:27 PM »

Of all the people in those pictures, I am the only one who actually made the move to New York and to my knowledge, I am the only one still in 'the biz.' The rest of them have become teachers, business-people or whatever they chose to be. They're happy, so I'm happy for them. It's just weird (and a little sad and lonely) to think of how many of my classmates who were so incredibly talented have chosen other fields.


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« Reply #132 on: September 13, 2005, 12:06:17 PM »

bk's notes:

According to the newscaster, the outage was affecting Glendale, Burbank, Studio City, North Hollywood, Sherman Oaks, downtown LA, West Los Angeles, and they also said that two terminals at LAX had been affected. The latter, of course, made no sense whatsoever, and an hour later they said that the airport had not, in fact, been affected.

An hour later they finally revealed the problem, which they’d known since the minute it happened – some worker (read boob) had inadvertently cut the wrong power line. I would like someone to explain to me exactly what he was doing cutting power lines, and how such a mistake could happen. I would like someone to explain to me how the DWP has no backup system for such an emergency. I would like someone to explain to me why a cut line in Burbank would shut down power to two million people.


A. The airport was affected, momentarily. The power plant douth of LAX was shut doen as a safety measure and:

The power flickered for a few moments at Los Angeles International Airport before emergency generators kicked in. No flights were delayed, airport spokespeople said.
A backup generator also powered the air traffic control tower at the airport for about an hour.

(From the Daily Breeze)

B. "They did not know what caused the problem the minute it happened.

Here is the timeline for the La Times

- 12:37 p.m. A worker cuts through wrong wires, apparently triggering a short circuit. The mishap occurs during installation of a system meant to better sense voltage fluctuations. Station E in Toluca Lake shuts down.

- Station S automatically shuts down in response to changes at Station E.

- Scattergood and Haynes, two of the DWP's four generating plants, stop transmitting to the system.

- Within three to five minutes, the DWP management is notified.

- The DWP contains the problem by manually shutting down power in some areas of the city.

- About 1:30 p.m., DWP management learns of the causes for the blackout.

- 2 p.m. Power is restored to 90% of affected customers.

C. The problem was not a single cut line, but rather the cutting of a cable consisting of numerous lines which probably shorted together.

D. The reason for the work, again the LA Times:

The automated system workers were installing was meant to detect surges or drops in voltage, said Ed Miller, the DWP's director of power systems, operations and maintenance.

"They cut a bundle of wires," Miller said. "The supposition is that by cutting them together, they created a short that triggered the circuit breakers." Miller said cutting wires one by one might have avoided an electrical short.

Ironically, the system the work crew was trying to install would have identified the power problem much more quickly, Miller said. It would be able to "decipher just what had happened." As it happened, DWP engineers needed an hour to determine where in the system the outage began.

E. The reason you have no back-up system is becasue your government officals refuse to pay for one!

California receives much of its power from lines running down the coast from the Pacific Northwest, and from an eastern line through Utah, said Robert Lasseter, an electrical engineering professor at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.

California's system appears better-designed than many, Lasseter said, because the failure in Los Angeles didn't leave the rest of the state in the dark, as happened across the Northeast during the massive, regionwide blackout in the summer of 2003.

The local grid, however, is a tightly knit network in which an isolated failure can ripple across the system, power experts say.

A decade ago, hot weather caused power lines near a tiny Oregon town to sag into a tree, plunging much of California and the West into darkness.

Last month, a faulty sensor at a new power transfer station in Sylmar caused neighborhoods throughout Southern California to lose power.

"Blackouts and power systems are just like forest fires: You can minimize them, you can localize them, but you can't stop them," Lasseter said.

"If L.A. gets [power running] in an hour or so … is that a major risk or not? How many billions of dollars do you want to put in to make sure that happens half as often?"

There was little political will in Los Angeles last week to pay for improvements. The City Council, by a 9-4 vote, rejected a $1.2-billion bond that the DWP wanted to issue to upgrade its power infrastructure.

The plan was to have up to $950 million of the bonds go to capital improvements for the power system.

Up to $250 million would have gone toward the purchase of a natural gas field to serve as a power reserve.

F. bk concludes

Of course, no one will be explaining anything, which is life per usual for the DWP and the country at large.

Not true. Here at HHW we ferret out the truth and 'splain everything!

der 'splaining Brucer

« Last Edit: September 13, 2005, 12:27:45 PM by DERBRUCER »
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« Reply #133 on: September 13, 2005, 12:07:11 PM »

Jason, I see your hair was much less boufant back then.

Nice pictures!!
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« Reply #134 on: September 13, 2005, 12:07:54 PM »

I have always wanted to be in a Gilbert & Sullivan Operetta, but, alas, the silly casting directors always want people who can sing!
« Last Edit: September 13, 2005, 12:10:52 PM by vixmom »
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« Reply #135 on: September 13, 2005, 12:11:48 PM »

Anyone read reviews on the 4dvd release of Ben-Hur that is out today.

A certain website had people complaining that the white horse look a little on the yellow side and that the filmer is softer than the previous release. But they did like that the took it from the Camera 65 print and not the 35 reduction. These people are idiots. Fighting over the tiniest minute things.

At least there were no floaters.

So are there any respectable reviews out there?
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« Reply #136 on: September 13, 2005, 12:26:11 PM »

"Not true. Here at HHW we ferret out the truth and 'spain everything!"

Well, the rain in 'spain stays mainly in the plain.

The airport, as I stated, was NOT affected, not the way the newscasters said it had been.  The two terminals were NOT shut down as the newscasters reported.

A line was cut.  What does it matter if it was a single line or bundled line?  A line was cut by someone who should have known better (read boob).

They DID know what the problem was within minutes of it happening, because it was REPORTED by a spokesperson from the DWP - she said that's what they thought it was, although they refused to confirm it.

If they hadn't known exactly what it was within minutes, they a) would not have given that info, and, more importantly b) would not have ruled out terrorism as a possible cause - which they blatantly did (and with good reason, since they knew the cause).

So, you believe what you wish, and I will believe what I wish.  And the world goes round.


Dan (the Man)

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« Reply #137 on: September 13, 2005, 12:35:26 PM »

I should also mention that I have won two lovely Late Show with David Letterman mouse pads by entering the weekly Top Ten contest at the Late Show website.
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« Reply #138 on: September 13, 2005, 12:39:10 PM »

I just did something really stupid. My friend and I were supposed to go to Pennsylvania to see one of our ALADDIN kids in a production of JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH on Sunday. Having completely forgotten, I just booked a ticket for myself to see THE LION KING on Sunday night.

I'M SUCH AN IDIOT!!! I feel really bad, and the LION KING ticket is no refund/no exchange, so I won't be going to PA.

Stupid, stupid, stupid!



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« Reply #139 on: September 13, 2005, 12:43:20 PM »

Anyone read reviews on the 4dvd release of Ben-Hur that is out today.

A certain website had people complaining that the white horse look a little on the yellow side and that the filmer is softer than the previous release. But they did like that the took it from the Camera 65 print and not the 35 reduction. These people are idiots. Fighting over the tiniest minute things.

At least there were no floaters.

So are there any respectable reviews out there?

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« Reply #140 on: September 13, 2005, 12:44:59 PM »

I just did something really stupid. My friend and I were supposed to go to Pennsylvania to see one of our ALADDIN kids in a production of JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH on Sunday. Having completely forgotten, I just booked a ticket for myself to see THE LION KING on Sunday night.

I'M SUCH AN IDIOT!!! I feel really bad, and the LION KING ticket is no refund/no exchange, so I won't be going to PA.

Stupid, stupid, stupid!

just one ticket?
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« Reply #141 on: September 13, 2005, 12:59:05 PM »

just one ticket?

Just me. I sometimes like to take myself out for a treat. Besides, none of my friends can afford to buy a ticket to that show right now. (I can't either, but it was a cheap seat up in the nosebleed section). It'd be nice to have someone to go with, but everyone I know has 1) seen the show, 2) is broke, 3) doesn't care to see it or 4) a combination of any of the previous choices.

Since the ticket is will-call and they require photo ID and the credit card with which the ticket was purchased, I have to be the one to pick it up or the $50 is a complete waste.  :-\


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« Reply #142 on: September 13, 2005, 01:00:30 PM »

Didja ever think you'd live to see the day when a $50 theatre ticket was considered a CHEAP SEAT?!?
« Last Edit: September 13, 2005, 01:00:56 PM by Jason »

Dan (the Man)

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« Reply #143 on: September 13, 2005, 01:08:21 PM »

Didja ever think you'd live to see the day when a $50 theatre ticket was considered a CHEAP SEAT?!?

Oy--I remember the day when I saw the ad for Ballroom with the $25 top ticket price.  I thought that my days of seeing B'way shows was coming to an end.

Sorry about your ticket dilemma, but at this point, you might as well let yourself enjoy the show.
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Matt H.

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« Reply #144 on: September 13, 2005, 01:09:36 PM »

BK answered the question about BLACK NARCISSUS. It stars Deborah Kerr if that helps you make up your mind. She won the NY Film Critics' Best Actress award for her performance, and she was eminently worthy of it!
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« Reply #145 on: September 13, 2005, 01:12:42 PM »

We've returned to mid-summer conditions today. I knew it didn't feel particularly cool on my walk this morning, and it's hot and a bit sticky outside.

When fall finally arrives, I'm going to have a HUGE grin on my face.
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« Reply #146 on: September 13, 2005, 01:18:03 PM »

VARIETY had a very positive review of the new BEN-HUR on-line today, and I'll be glad to cut and paste the review here if you'd like, DR Michael Shayne.

No mention was made comparing the last release four years ago with the new one in terms of image quality. I was kind of hoping to see that kind of comparison. I know of a few sites that will deal with comparisons, but they haven't reviewed it yet, so that's still forthcoming.

The review also lamented that the 1925 version of BEN-HUR was not given a running commentary and deserved one. I heartily agree! The story of its making is every bit as interesting as the 1959 version.
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« Reply #147 on: September 13, 2005, 01:18:21 PM »

(what ARE those called - you know, when you blow bubbles)

Lunchboxes?   ;D
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« Reply #148 on: September 13, 2005, 01:19:13 PM »

I got my cupcakes baked, and I had two (unfrosted ones) for dessert. They are devil's food cupcakes with dark chocolate icing.
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« Reply #149 on: September 13, 2005, 01:20:44 PM »

Didja ever think you'd live to see the day when a $50 theatre ticket was considered a CHEAP SEAT?!?

I remember back in 1976 when  some seats were going for $20 and  my friend Michael Palmer,

 ( I wonder what ever happened to Michael... I lost touch with him over the years... but I digress)

 said "I wouldn't pay $20 to see GOD!"

Too bad it wasn't 2 tickets I would have tried to pick them up from you.  With the  "will call" I know you can call and change the name at the box office because when I buy tickets for my folks I have them held under their names.

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