Raillery, raillera, raillery ee, ,ee,ee,ee
Raillery, raillera
My knapsack on my back
der Brucer
This reminds me of a show that ran in LA when the "Family Hour" (or some such named gimick) was instituted on television. It was part of the campaign to return a half-hour to local stations, taking the thirty minutes from seven-thirty to eight from the networks.
Well, before the local stations realized that they could fill that half-hour with syndicated programming, one of the local LA stations decided to fill it with a group of travelogues, one for each day of the week. The travelogues were made of home movies by various people, generally retired couples with little else to do with their lives.
One of the programs was called
The Happy Wanderer, starring some guy named Slim, who may have been at one point was certainly wasn't no mo. It featured as it's theme song "The Happy Wanderer," complete with "knapsack on my back" refrain.
The show was boring. It was worse than boring. It was nauseatingly boring. It was visit-some-distant-relative-who-breaks-out-a-musty-photograph-album-and-explains-every-picture-to-you boring. It was Dad-puts-on-a-slideshow-from-the-family's-recent-trip-to-an-airshow-and-he-isn't-listening-when-you-say-"We-were-there-with-you,-Dad!" boring. (My Dad would actually do this to us.
Ah, yes, the reality programming of yesteryear.