Next, I finished THE DA VINCI CODE. Enjoyed it just as much the second time around. I'd be curious to hear from those here that read the book and saw the movie if you felt cheated out of anything significent in the transition from book to screen.
First Run also released on DVD those East German westerns that I have fallen in love with...are you involved with those at all? Or are you involved with First Run only as far as them releasing your films.
Well, you sure have mastered the capitalist mantra!They probably wouldn't sell to me because of my Party affiliation
Did you get the bonus DVD "The Creation of the Di Vinci Code"? It has some nice interview material with Dan Brown expresing how fine a job he thinks Howard and Goldsman did on translating the book to film .
Isn't the internet a mysterious thing? DR RLP must be having Soup Someplace.
...I just want to make the world a better place!
You were right the second time, DR JRand. It was A WEDDING. I liked it very much.Many of Altman's films I didn't cotton to the first time around, especially NASHVILLE (which I now think is a masterpiece) and BUFFALO BILL AND THE INDIANS (which I enjoy very much now). Loved THE PLAYER and GOSFORD PARK immediately.The one film of his I haven't seen and want to see is SHORT CUTS.
Do we cue up a Bert Parks vocal der Brucer
My senses tell me lunch time is drawing nigh.I'm hoping for some terrific soup at a local eatery known for its soups.