I've not had time to catch up, as BK is wont to say.
Yes, he is wont to say that, as well as many other things.
I had a singularly UNpleasant flight to South Carolina, courtesy of whatever the pissant shuttle service is that Delta flies out of Cincinnati to Columbia SC.
The Delta flight from SFO to Cincy was fine, save one fellow who coughed and hacked deep congestion-laced coughs throughout the 4-hour red-eye flight, keeping various and sundry awake.
He not only kept me awake (and I am now sun dry, I can assure you -- it's very sunny here...and warm) but I was appalled and aghast that he seldom bothered to cover his mouth.
I was certain I would come down with the plague or something similar, but I'm feeling quite good today.
Of all things, FOG kept my flight out of Cincy from departing in a timely manner. Fog in South Carolina was pea-soup-thick, and my flight into SC was an hour later than it should have been.
Many things happened the rest of yesterday -- I napped, my mother washed some of my shirts that had not survived unwrinkled and wouldn't iron properly. Said shirts managed to get caught UNDER the agitator. Two have been extracted without much ado, but the third remains firmly "caught on" something. Sigh.
Went to a dinner that was buffet and all you could eat. When I got through the line, the cranberry sauce was gone and there was no more. All you can eat, though.
When I was about halfway through my meal, all the food on the buffet was removed, whether I had eaten all that I wanted or no. At $18 a plate, I felt a bit miffed that the person who advertised all you can eat had decided I'd had all I was going to eat.
My mother, an uncle and I then spent another hour or so trying to extract shirts from under the agitator (to no avail).
My sleep was deep. When I was awakened at 8 .m. (5 a.m., PST), I knew the day would be a tiring one.
My mother, an aunt and I set out at 9 a.m. for a day trip to visit an elderly cousin, take her to lunch (WONderful lunch, by the way, and I got some cranberry sauce, to boot). We took flowers to the graves of my maternal grandparents and great grandparents. We visited with my cousin some more. Then we came home.
And here I sit, recounting my first 24-plus hours of my two-week visit to the east coast.
Hot on the heels of these things are two opportunities -- one is for a visitation tonight at a funeral home, and another is for a funeral tomorrow afternoon. I neither know nor have I met the deceased and only "somewhat" know the daughter of the deceased...who was once married to one of my cousins on my mother's side. But since their daughter is one of my favorite first cousins (once removed), and the deceased is that cousin's grandfather, I may yet acquiesce and go to one, if not both, these functions.
One thing I know for sure: My mother is never idle or bored or bereft of something to do.
There is a glimmer of a few hours coming in the next few days when I can somewhat catch up when my mother's bridge club has a special gathering that I have no intention of being roped into attending.
Sigh, Sigh.
I was gratified to see that a widescreen version of "All Fall Down" was airing on TCM this afternoon, but I was terribly sad that I had missed more than half of it. When will it ever be on DVD...I ask myself.