Hiya, gang!
Elmo! Vibes for your dad's continued life among us, incorporate.
Okay, so the news is - I will have my BA by August. I take 2 classes on Monday night and 2 on Tuesday night, into early June (with absences while I head off to my house in the woods, of course!), then do some online stuff over the summer - badabing! Bachelor of Arts. The accredited school is called Ryokan U, and yes, it IS one-a those New-Agey institutes... they will accept ALL of my undergrad units, and I signed up yesterday. Already missd the first 2 weeks, but they don't care, so long as the check clears... and I show up for at least some of it.
Which means that by this time next year, I'll be finishing up my Masters Degree in Spiritual Psych. Right about the time I'll need it, when I trot out the New Book in front of the New Age-type publishers - Jeremy Tarcher will be first, I tell ya.
New Book working title is: Endings - Leaving, Grieving, Letting Go. And, yes, it is a musical...