A short history of the ellipsis:
In 1892, a man named Jeremiah Ellipsis was writing a letter to his beloved wife, Minerva Ellipsis. He suddenly had the urge to eat a salami sandwich on a baguette, and so he stopped writing - but his pen inadvertantly dripped whilst he was putting it down, causing three dots to appear after the final work he'd written in the following sentence - "I suddenly have the urge to eat a salami sandwich on a baguette, so keep your pantaloons on whilst I put my pen down and make the sandwich" After the word "sandwich" the ink dots looked like this "sandwich..." and Jeremiah looked at it and thought, "I like the way that looks - I like that I left that thought without really finishing it, and later I can come back to it. I think I'll call it the ellipsis, after my very own self." And the rest... history.