And one last thought on de-cluttering...
I did a quick read through the new organizing book written by the guy on TLC's "Clean Sweep". -I read it at Border's - it really was a quick read. He does a nice job getting to and through the emotional attachments people have to their stuff, their belongings, their junk.
His number one rule - well, one of them at least - is "If you don't have to room to store it, then you need to get rid of it". And another one is something along the lines of, "If you haven't used it in a certain amount of time, then you don't need it.". -Of course, I'm paraphrasing.
I liked this one hint for decluttering your desk area and kitchen gadget drawers:
Place all the gadgets in a cardboard box on the floor by your desk, kitchen drawer. As you need and use a particular item, take it out of the box, and place it out of the drawer. Whatever is left in the box on the floor at the end of a month... ditch!
Then you basically do the same thing with cookbooks.... Place a Post-It note sticking out of a book when you use it... Any books that don't have a Post-It note sticking out of it after a year... Etc., etc., etc.