Good morning / afternoon/ evening!
We had a very strange performance of ANNE FRANK last night. We had only been off since Tuesday's show, so we shouldn't have lost the pacing, but the whole performance seemed slow and a little bit forced. Several Laurence-Olivier-why-don't you-try acting moments by me, and by other cast members.
The strangest thing about the evening was the audience. We have gotten very positive reviews for the show, good word of mouth, and there have been several Anne Frank-related news stories the past couple of weeks. So, we were a bit surprised when, instead of our almost sold-out houses of the last few weeks; we had instead about a half house for the show...
...And, they just sat there, staring at us for two-plus hours, like we were a touring exhibit of King Tut memorabilia. No laughs, no intermission buzz, and a very subdued curtain call. A very strange evening!