As for the Topic of the Day...
My parents would take me and three younger brothers camping quite regularly when we were kids. Most of the time, the camping would consist of heading out to Solomons Island, MD, setting up a tent on the base there for the weekend in order for my father and his friends to go crabbing and fishing for the weekend. Thankfully(!), since we were on a military base, there were proper bathroom and shower facilities. However, we still cooked everything over a campfire or grill, and we did sleep in tents.
When we lived in Virginia the first time, the woman who used to babysit us had a place up in Harpers Ferry, WV. She would offer it to my parents if they wanted to get away for the weekend. So, my parents would usually stay in the motor home, while my brothers and I would stay in a tent a couple hundred yards from the motor home. Of course, there were those night when we would move the tent closer to the motor home if there were bears spotted in the area - and there usually were, so... -I still vividly remember the shadow of a family of bears standing outside our tent one night - mama, papa, and two baby bears. Thankfully, our baby-sitter - Mrs. Fischer, a wonderful woman who had grown up in Harpers Ferry - told us how to deal with the bears - which was basically to remain still and quiet.

-But she also told us that she had never come across a "mean bear" in all her time living out there, and that as long as we didn't keep any food in the tent... -And since the motor home was in sight of the tent and vice versa, there was always someone in ear and eye shot of us, plus the light from the motor home helping to keep things not totally in the dark.