Jose, George, Dan (the Man), Jrand, Miss Karen & Ed, thank you for the good vibes. So far our news isn’t bad, which is good news for now.
The problem has never been with Sherlock’s paw. It seems to be someplace on his leg, probably the left leg. We still aren’t sure.
While the vet couldn’t find the location of the possible strain, it doesn’t appear to be a growth related problem (our big fear) which is fairly common in large puppies. At 7 months and 87 pounds he is definitely a large puppy. The examination didn’t hurt him at all & he thought it was fun when we went outside to walk & run him while the doctor watched. He enjoys his visits there & playtime with our vet’s pug.
For now we still have to wait and see, which means no hikes for the next week. We can still walk him around town on a leash.