Good evening alllI had a rather disturbing night at work. A man brought an elderly man in a motorized chair and left him. THe man in the chair had no id except for his name. I noted at 815 that he was still there and he had been in the library over 3 hours. I called campus security when he became ill. Later we found out that the family threw him on a buss and sent him to Fargo with a few belongings. The bus depot had no clue what to do with him and informed the taxi company to dump him somewhere. That somewhere was the NDSU library.
ASSOCIATED PRESSI suspect it's disturbing to the animals, as well!der Brucer
Man, I'm running out of drivel to post, I mean trivia to post...
Hey, aren't you DR George from HainesHisWay? May I see your receipt. Your original receipt.
Doubtful der Brucer
Go Cason!
DR Jorge stop reading and start posting!! (You can play catch-up later!)
(still whispering) DR Edi, I'd really like to get it on a mini-DV tape. What'll that cost me?
Well...I'm not only reading, but I'm watching a DVD of the opera "La Grande Duchesse de Gerolstein" by Jacques Offenbach and it's subtitled, so I have to read the TV as well as HHW. I suppose that I should turn it off since it's more than two hours long and I won't watch all of it now. So far, it's quite good.
What's a mini-DV tape??
Case called when he was leaving San Diego...The Good News!! -- He's in the final two for the Ethan part!! Hee-Hah!!The Bad News!! -- They have to sleep on it, so he won't hear yay or nay for another day or two... (argggh -- this is torture...and as der Brucer has noted, I am most impatient....)...