Hi -
Okay, for bad news, it's really good news:
I just spoke to Jane - Sherlock came out of surgery very well. The surgeon was able to fix the shoulders, and the good news was that the bones had NOT shattered yet, no garbage to clean out, and the prognosis is not bad on the shoulders.
There were bone fragments in both elbows - those were removed, but the big problems with the joint can't be fixed right now, so keep your fingers x'd for the next go round.
Jane and Keith are very much more relaxed than they were this afternoon, and may even get some sleep tonight. They pick up the pupster boy tomorrow morning. He's been shaved here there and everywhere, and looks like he's been nibbled by rats... Now will come several tedious months of convalescence - during which a puppy isn't allowed to cavort and play...
Hold a space for miracles in your hearts, Hainsies!