Yesterday, der Grampa and I engaged in grandladsitting.
It was, as always, both enjoyable and danged frustrating.
One thing that was enjoyable was introducing the grandlads to Doctor Who. We watched the first two episodes from the first series, "Rose" and "The End of the World." Alex the elder insisted that he would hate it, sat three feet in front of the TV screen, and by the end of the second episode was asking to watch the third.
I suggested that two was enough for now, so we watched something Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory instead, something William the younger pulled out to watch.
In the meantime, der Grampa's daughter, Magic Mommy, called to check up on how we were doing. When der G told her we'd been watching Doctor Who, she replied that she didn't want Alex to be watching that show.
Get this logic. It turns out that her older brother liked to watch Doctor Who. OB as an adult is an anti-social, obese know-it-all who cannot hold down a regular job. Alex is a know-it-all. She therefor considers him to be at risk to become just like his uncle, the OB. Therefor, she reasons, he should not be allowed to watch Doctor Who.
(I did show Alex the cover of the DW soundtrack, which has David Tennant instead of Christopher Eccleston leaning up against Billie Piper, which led to trying to explain the concept of the Doctor regenerating. That led to our watching the scene where Eccleston transforms into Tennant, at the end of "Parting of the Ways." He kind of got the concept. But it connects with a comment Alex made a few weeks ago, about how he likes to know how things end without having to read/watch the stuff in the middle. Impatient little brat.)