Francois, you little vulgator, you!
It does have a "Labial" ring to it der Brucer
Did I hear someone mention vulgate?
I knew it! You closet vulgator, you!
Sorry DR ELMORE is not coming over to terrorize me - it would take more than THAT believe me, yessiree Bob!
A little vulgating, perhaps? hmmmmm?
Cilla Liz and the Telecats
AFter hob-nobbing with all the SEE-lebriteez.
On what station does Fritz take a shower?
eee-gads, you're off this site for a day and you can't get caught up... (so that's why you all curse us gratuitous posters.....Damn you, Dingdaw, Francois and Mr P!!! ....NOT!! You guys amuse me... as well as yourselves I see....)....Mr. P, you missed me, you really missed me?!
Yes, Kate Mantilini is not cheap.
Mr. P, it's just vulgating what you do on this site...