They picketed you...our very own, much-beloved JoseSPiano...or the show?
If it was did they "know"? 
They picketed the show. In fact, they picket almost any touring Broadway show on the basis that homosexuals were somehow involved in the creation and production of the show.
However, the locals heading into the theatre were so used to the protests, that they didn't bat an eye as they walked past the signs and the bullhorns.
The saddest part was seeing all the younger members of his "family" - the five to ten-year olds who were also part of the protest, holding up signs, yelling things at people. And holding video cameras. He uses all the footage to show how "America" continues to "embrace homosexuality" by their attendance at cultural events. And if anyone "dares" to challenge him, then he uses that footage to show that "they" are the "true haters", not him and his followers.