I spent the last two hours exploring the special features Blu-ray disc on DREAMGIRLS. How great that the documentary was also shot in high definition, so the entire set ended up being a high definition experience, and the "making of" documentary was excellent. Sadly, while the Broadway show is talked about by Loretta Divine and Hinton Battle (who was the first replacement as Jimmy Early after Clevant Derricks left), one misses the participation of other major movers in that original company. Of course, Michael Bennett has been gone a long time (is Michael Peters also dead now?), but I wish the original show could have been represented a little more fully.
But every aspect of the 61 day shoot is covered in pretty rich detail. Yes, everyone loves one another and there didn't seem to be any problems along the way according to this film. Still, behind the scenes is always fun to see, and this gives you loads of that.