Oh... Scratch that...
I did have a recurring nightmare of sorts when I was around 10 or 11. It was sort of a "continually falling" dream. Like down a well. And the walls around me were spinning. And they looked like they were tiled with those marble Composition books. The dream made me dizzy. And scared. I think it lasted about two weeks straight. And I do recall now being very afraid to go to bed, since as soon as I would close my eyes, I would start falling and spinning again.
And there was another dream where I felt my body starting to float about my mattress. Then I went through the top bunk bed. And eventually I went up to Heaven. I saw angels. I heard Herald Trumpets. And I saw God/Jesus/SomeOne. And He spoke to me: "You have answered my first three questions." And then I started to float back down. I could even feel myself floating back down to my bed, and I remember looking over to my left and noticing that the sun was coming up through the open window in my room. And when I woke up, I felt very, very calm. And I could feel the breeze blowing through my window. -However, I've always wondered what the "first three questions" were, and just how many more questions there were/are. And since I was going to Catholic grade and high school, I kept hoping to come across something in my Religion classes. But I never did.