I have spent a horrifying forty-five minutes on the phone - being strong, being loud, and probably being a little offensive, all to do with this ongoing funding of the fundraiser, which should have been done by now. I'm now no longer certain that this show that we've all been working on for three months will happen at all, and if it doesn't happen, I'm afraid the alumni association will go into the toilet if our opening salvo is a complete failure and disaster. Doesn't exactly speak well of my capabilities, even though none of it is my fault - I was promised the funding, everything was agreed to in a meeting two months ago, I did everything I was asked to do and here we are in a quagmire of beaurocracy, which is why I gather the president doesn't want to be there anymore. He is still assuring me that it will happen and that his committment to me will be honored - I'm glad he's sure, because I'm sure not sure. He's now saying that even if it has to be treated as a loan it will get done. I told him at this point whatever it is it is - and if we have to pay the dough back from ticket sales then we'll do that - of course our organization will then probably not make any money, but at least we won't look like complete losers - plus I'm still trying to get corporate sponsorships and those would, at least, put a little in our coffers should we have to pay back the funding.
This is not making me a happy camper right now and I HATE having these conversations. I may have to go down to LACC tomorrow morning to hash this out some more. I now have a raging headache.