Well, apparently my little message worked - our GM just got a call from the head of NYMF (I can't imagine he would have wanted to speak to me) and it all boiled down to his incompetent idiot who called her at seven-thirty giving her incorrect information in just about every way. The problem, we are now hearing, is NOT loading the show - the problem is that certain shows in the Acorn have cretin sound designers who come in and repatch everything for their show, don't tell anyone their doing so, and therefore the board op doesn't know what's wrong or that the repatching has even occurred. He has now made it the responsibility of each sound designer to undo their repatching and put the board back EXACTLY as it was. Since one of the shows in question is Little Egypt and I happen to know those people, I may, in fact, ream them out tomorrow. They left the theater a mess last Wednesday before our show and they are not playing by the rules. We, in fact, have been the most exemplary show in the space - always out in time, always clean, NEVER repatching anything. In any case, I'm told that our audio guy will, in fact, be able to rebuild our show (for the fourth time) and that he will insure that any repatching done will be put back the way it was.