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I liked last night's show. But it wasn't one of my favorites. I wasn't as riveted to my seat as i have been the past few episodes.
There were some interesting developments. I loved charlotte and jin (her speaking korean). I loved hurley telling jack that charlie said jack should not raise aaron. I liked seeing kate in the shower. I liked kate saying she was doing something for sawyer (i am curious to know what it is). Claire going off with her dad (and jack's) was sort of creepy. Is that the last we'll see of her???
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Well, to be accurate, Hurley said that Charlie said Jack is not supposed to "raise him." Even though Hurley had asked Jack if he was living with Kate and Aaron -- and that could be Hurley trying to understand the message he has to relay to Jack --, Charlie's message -- which Hurley had written down -- did not specifically state/necessarily mean that "him" was "Aaron", IMO. I think it "might" be one of those red herrings. There are any number of meanings of "raise him" -- dig him up/disinter him, promote him, get him on the phone, etc. I know that's a "yitbit" of a stretch, but I take nothing for granted with this show. Sometimes, I know for a fact, the writers hint at something to get the viewers to believe something will happen. And then it happens. It may be that "him" is Aaron.
I think it interesting to point out here that last night, when Kate was forced to account for her activities (a very bad move on Jack's part, I thought), she said she was doing something for "him." I wonder how many other people thought "him" was Ben? Of course, she clarified in her next comment that it was Sawyer...but for a moment, and because she seemed so uncomfortable about it, I feared she was working for Ben.
As for your earlier question about a chronology for the flash-forwards: During the trial, Jack was seemingly straight (off the pills and liquor) and productive once again. We know that Kate invited him to visit and that Jack had not yet been there to see Aaron. (Also interesting last night was his comment to Kate about "HER" not being a blood relation to Aaron. Aaron, of course, is Jack's nephew, but we haven't seen anything about Jack learning Claire is/was his half-sister). And the scene at the airport has Jack in very bad shape AGAIN and declaring that they all must go back.
That said, and if you force me to make a guess, I'm almost certain the airport scene belongs at the end of the chronology, thus far, because that's the first time we've seen Jack believing he ought to go back to the island. And if he has walked out on Kate and Aaron, it would also fit that she would have been reluctant to meet him and that he has descended, again, into addictive behaviors.
Oh, well....dlkl;kjlkjl kajdflkjaelijasoitj;lkglkjasgkljae;ilru;lkjdflkj sadlfkjasd;lkj;ljkfdlj;kdfklj;sk slapshot snapshot splatsnot kskj;lkajfklja;lrkj;lk slkjas;lgkj;likj lkj ;lak.
Another SPOILAGE EndsI sure hope JMK didn't miss any of those code-outs!