DR Jose, I'll be shocked if you aren't pleased. You will have to let me know.
Sherlock has an infection in-between the toe webs. There isn’t much space in there which he why we had difficulty telling exactly where & what it was. There are no cancer cells. DR George, I now no why an incompetent vet would diagnose a tumor Once a day we need to soak his paw in a combination of Epson Salts & Betadine and then the paw must be completely dried. Twice a day he gets antibiotics (Cephalexin). We have scheduled a return visit on Friday. Poor boy can't go hiking for awhile.
Oh, and thanks for the funny sound clip, DR JRand57!
I just got a kind of shocking email that my first real girlfriend (as in going steady and that whole megillah) died last night in her sleep. She had had a tough adult life, battling various drug and alcohol addiction issues, so I'm not sure if that had played into it. It is very sad because she had such an incredible amount of potential.
TCB - Which actor do you know?
Well... I'm just waiting for my socks to dry, and then once I pair them up and throw a couple pairs in my luggage, I'll be packed! *Of course, I can already tell that I've slightly over-packed, so I'm sure I'll be "editing" over the next couple of hours during commercial breaks.
Here it is, folks.....only $46,000,000 - let's all chip in and get this for the HHW get togethers in NYC.Check out the floor plan! http://corcoran.com/property/listing.aspx?Region=NYC&ListingID=1217705
Can we please redecorate?
But, DR Elmore doesn't like the Upper East Side. Would he visit us?
Hmm...So...For anyone else who might be watching "Step It Up & Dance" on Bravo, well... Have you checked out the latest tidbit about one of the contestants over at perezhilton.com? It's most definitely something that should NOT be viewed at work.