Ran the additional ten fixes by muse Margaret and we're doing two of the ten - she felt, rightfully so, that the others, which all were dialogue-related, while perhaps proper, didn't suit the character speaking the dialogue. And one non-dialogue one, while I suppose proper, was so awkward-sounding and so not the voice of the book, that we let it be. And I agree with her - you can't jeopardize the voice just to have something be grammatically correct, but really bad-sounding in terms of the particular sentence in the particular book. I've noticed more and more people doing it, because once you've established a style for the narrator, you can't just get all proper all of a sudden, if that's not what the book is. And nothing we're leaving is actually incorrect - and the proofer said so - said it was fine either way, but felt it her job to at least point out the other way.