A little old lady visits her doctor and says to him, "Doctor, I'm having a terrible problem with gas. I fart all the time! But the strange thing is that my farts don't make a sound and they don't smell at all. In fact, since I've been sitting here, I've farted about twenty times. But you probably didn't know that because they were completely silent and have no smell at all."
The doctor nodded his head and scribbled on his prescription pad.
"I'd like you to get these pills immediately. Take three a day after every meal and then come back and see me in a week."
The little old lady thanked the doctor and went right to her pharmacist.
A week later, she came back to the doctor.
"Doctor, I have no idea what was in those pills but now my farts smell something awful! Those pills must contain some kind of skunk extract! I'm still farting all the time, and they still make no noise, but my goodness they smell bad!"
"Very good!” said the doctor. "We fixed your sense of smell. Now we have to take care of your hearing."