re: this week's LOST
fdkjlfjasfoiudsfioudaofiufouiosda iuodfsoiudfsoiudfsoidfoiudfidfoiudfoidsfoidsfoidf soi
fajdfsaudfsao8udfsoiudfsoiudfsoiufljdsalkfoiudsfa uoidfsaouidfsodfsoidfsoidfsoioiufe
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dsaflkjdfskljdfslkjdfklfdsoioiuouioiufsdaouidfsoi udiuouii idsfoiudsaoiudfoiudfoiuouioiu
dsajkldsaflkjdsfjkldfsjkldfjkldfkjlfdkjldfjkldfsk ljkllkjdfam,m.,dfm,m.m,. ,m.,m.,m.m,.m,. ,
I didn't really notice that anybody discussed at length this week's episode. I was
so so happy to see jin back (although i had a feeling he was coming back so i
wasn't really shocked). But i am so so happy. I will say that i loved seeing
young danielle. And while i could understand them perfectly when they were
speaking individually i really could not when they were all speaking at the same
time. I can't tell if we were supposed to. Or if the writers just figured that nobody
much would understand anyways. But they were all talking over each other!
I'm curious what will happen with the six. And how/if they will attempt to go back.
Interesting that it was ben who was trying to get kate to take the test. I would not
have thought it was him. And how interesting to make us think it was claire's mom.
dfaoiuoipudfsoiudsfoiudfsoiu fd iououioiupfdsaoiufoiudfsoiufdsoiuoiudfoiuouioiuoi u
dasuoifdsoiupdfsoiudfsoiudfsioudfsoiufdaskjlfkjlk jkljlkjfkjaljklkjlkjlkjkjlkjlkjlkjlkjkjkjjk
askljdfskjldfskjldflkjdfjkldfjkldfkjlkjldsfakluuo iiuo9789870ew897re879er98798778]a789dfs897fds879fds879fd879dfs879df897fds879fds87 9dfs79fd77979887989787
asdfiudfsoiudfsuiodfdfsndnmdjffhdfjlkdfsajkldfsjk ldfslkjfdlkjkjllkjkjlkjlkjljklkjlkjlkjlkjk
end of spoilers end of spoilers end of spoilers end of spoilers end of spoilers
I thought it was an alright episode--as much as we had some interesting occurances (Jin, Rousseau, the Other Others, etc.) it sort of felt like there was a lot of padding. I donno, maybe I just didn't liek that they were hopping from Island to off Island--there seemed to be a lack of focus for me on this episode. But in any case, I still enjoyed watching it