I had a frustrating day. That's all I'm going to say about it
Well let me tell you about mine and maybe you will feel better:
1. Today is my "senior choir" day, and we had gotten a request to perform in Vancouver, WA. I had had a devil of a time getting decent directions on how to get to this retirement home and had ultimately asked for the Administrator, who seemed to know what he was talking about. We discovered in driving up there today he didn't. I managed to get there but one of the other carpools got hopelessly lost, creating a lot of stress.
2. I got home to discover some of the most surly of the workmen who have been doing the development next door were back--the pavers. They, once again, had completely blocked my driveway and were using the front area of my yard (in front of my fence, but still my property) as a staging area. Because I had the roofers coming and going, I went out and told them they needed to move, at which point their supervisor started calling me every name in the book, as if I'm doing something wrong to tell them to stop blocking my driveway! They went on to harass the dogs, who are completely fenced. I then had the enormous "pleasure" of having my home be in Sensurround for three hours as they tamped down the ground and did the second round of asphalt.
3. I just came home after swim team with Gabe to a very curt message from an addle-pated woman who had booked my Senior Choir last session, but had then forgotten about it, so when we showed up at her facility, we discovered we couldn't perform. Anyhoo, she re-booked us, and I called to confirm we were actually on today, and she left a blistering message that of course we were booked, she had put in writing. She hadn't.
One good thing happened today, and it was quite funny--the owner/developer of the McMansions next door showed up, and, because he's a Fat Cat Republican (you can't convince me otherwise), he parked his Cadillac Escalade pretty much in the middle of the street, literally right under a No Parking sign. Now I have never seen anything like this in our neighborhood before, but about 30 seconds after he walked down to the development, a Parking Patrol "golf cart" (for wont of a better term) pulled up behind him AND GAVE HIM A TICKET!!! It was so surreal and funny.
Feel better now, Cilla?