I went to church this morning with my parents. We went to the 8:30am service. Surprisingly, I was quite awake for the service. We usually go to the later service, but since we had to drive back up to Fairfax this morning, well...
Two things I noticed about this particular church:
-They actually have a "late seating break" for, well, the latecomers. It happens right before the Litrugy of the Word starts. The ushers help and guide people into their seats, and then once the head usher give the signal, the Mass continues.
-Whoever programmed the music for this morning's service made sure to include a little bit of everything: traditional hymns, modern "folk" tunes, traditional hymns with a non-traditional accompaniment/rhythmic underlay, even an African-influenced "Alleluia". The percussionist, consequently, was able to use his full battery (get it?) of "toys". Including a
djembe - which happened to be placed right next to a microphone. At first I thought he was playing with a baby rattle.
-Oh, and I believe the responsorial psalm should have been transposed down a key. Or two. Or three.