As for the Topic of the Day (Part Two)...
I never had a "special" lunch box, but I seem to recall wanting one of those "construction worker" ones. -Just the "plain" one with the thermos. But I also seem to remember some sort of Disney-themed lunch box.
Like DR TCB, I tended to break thermoses. And if I didn't break them, I would lose them.
And I think I've told this story before, but...
My mom would usually pack some sort of dessert for me and my brothers. Jell-O, fruit cocktail, canned peaches, canned figs(!), etc. She had a veritable arsenal of individual Tupperware containers. Well...
One day in Mr. Sharack's Fourth Grade classroom, we had a "Clean Out the Coat Room Day". Once we had cleaned the floors and cubby holes, then Mr. Sharack - because he was the tallest one in the room - began to clean the upper shelves. "Oh, look! Here's a bag that says "Jojo" on it." -And inside it was a small Tupperware container. And a spoon. "Oh, here's another one..."
And another one... And another one...I think I must have taken about 15 containers and spoons home that day. -Most of which were more like "science experiments" by that time.