Finished with my viewing, listening to the new Kritzerland master (this particular title came up unexpectedly, and I must say we've turned it around in record time - though it's already been on CD, that CD is OOP for quite a few years, and was made from album masters that sounded ugly, dry, and shrill and because the original LP issue was longer than usual for an LP the sound had been further squashed so as not to create inner groove distortion. I found the original three-track album master and while the recording itself still sounded dry and shrill, it was not squashed and I was able for the first time to give it some nice, focused low end, airy high end and get rid of the shrill, and then put some nice subtle room ambience for the orchestra. It sounds pretty great and certainly a lot better than the previous incarnations. Considering how beloved the score is, I suspect we'll do well - in fact, my big online dealer has already committed to all but 20% of the run, so I'm thinking this will sell out in a day or two.