I am dying to ask.
That's two of us!
Back from a great day. The show was out by 4:25 and i'll leave DRs Ginny and vixmom to give their thoughts. By 5 o'clock, we were ready for pizza with a big crowd that unfortunately ended up at different tables. My table had DRs fjl, Julie, Ginny, Rodzinski, me, my friend Chris, my adopted son Josh Clayton, and our conductor Rob Berman. The other table had DRs vixmom and Jose, the vixter, and DH Richard. When Rob and Josh left, they came to join our table.
I must say that I found John's Pizzeria to be totally unsympathetic to a big crowd; they would not take a reservation for less thatn 15 and, when we alerted them to a minimum of 12 diners at 4:30, they were uncooperative and insisted we could do nothing till we were all there and they could seat us all at once. Still, I liked the festive crowd, and I'm happy that a few of my FINIAN friends could meet other dear friends of mine.