Two "I don't know if anyone's noticed" bits:
Garry Trudeau has broken the rules again with his comic strip
Doonesbury. For one thing, he's had a major character, BD, lose a leg in the war in Iraq.
This has been controversial enough for some papers to pull the strip this week. Others are condemning the strip for use of foul language. (When BD wakes and discovers what has happened, he shouts "Son of a Bitch!" Seems appropriate to me.) That's rule breakage number one.
We won't go into how old BD is supposed to be. I mean, he served in Viet Nam.
The second rule broken is one of Trudeau's own. On the strip for
Wednesday, April 21st, BD is shown for the first time that I know of
not wearing a helmet! They guy has always worn either a flak helmet or a football helmet, even back when Trudeau was writing for his college newspaper. BD has hair!
Of course, this second rule-breaking is the sort of thing that's going to slip under most everyone's radar. Pity for most everyone.