Late and tardy in my postings today, because der B and I went back to the Food and Wine Festival. We started over at Cloud 9, with wine from the Garland Ranch area around Carmel. Yawn.
This was followed by a couple of very good, but very expensive, Pinot Grigios and a Zin over at the Dogfish Brewpub, the wines from the Pessagno Winery. I finally learned how to pronounce terriore or however it's spelled, and met a woman who has put together the winelist for a new restaurant opening soon (got to keep these contacts going).
This was followed by a flight of ten wines from Greece, over at the Camel's Hump. Some of the wines were very good, some not so. Greecian winemakers are trying to break away from the ouzo/retsina stereotype, but they aren't getting any support from their government the way Chile, Austrailia, and South Africa have. Greece's loss. It was der Brucer's turn to make a contact, this time with a reporter from the local Cape Gazette.
As if we weren't flying well enough after that flight, we then headed back over to the Blue Moon, for a quartet of sparkling wines. All very nice, but I'm glad they had more cheese and some chicken to nosh on. While there, we ran into a fellow who had been at the first tasting we had gone to. Turns out he used to work for the State Department, including a stint in Hungary!
I also confirmed that the Blue Moon has a special running on Tuesdays: three course prix fix, with three samplings of wine, for just $30. Add dessert, and add a dessert wine. Not bad for a restaurant that is considered to be one of the best in Delaware, and people in this state know how to eat well!
I've tucked der Brucer into bed, and really should follow his example. But first I've got to work out what kind of schedule we've got for more tastings tomorrow.