Good morning, all! This morning, I have to send a copy of my outstanding invoice with the note "if you haven't paid this, please do so" because I really want to get this dental problem aolved ASAP. The good news is that a lot of the swelling in my cheek is gone and the abscess is diminshing. The bad news is I wanted to get this treatment at the NYU Dental Clinic looked into and initiated this week so I coluld make my Ohio trek in relative comfort next Friday. Oy!
Today, I'm leaving the cold of my apartment for Toyland and various tasks, including an editing session with my friend Mr Skip Kennon. I think today we are tacklng the song "Bagdad" reached No. 2 in record sales for 1913 in Billy May's hit recording:
Hold-up copers, pistol toters
Taxi cheaters, female voters,
In old Bagdad were taboo,
Bread and butter charges too.
To increase the population
Was the fav'rite recreation,
Allah smiled on all such things,
Allah always pulls the strings.
Life was fine and fair in Bagdad.
City fair of mystic spells,
Oh, those olden temples golden,
And oh, those spicy garlic smells.
There they had no alimony,
No divorce? No no!
For the cost of one New Yorker
You could keep a hundred corkers
In Oriental Bagdad long ago.
We missed two birthdays this week for two of my favorite writers: Richard Rodgers and Frank Loesser, whose 100th birthday was yesterday. If I were a bell . . .!