The only two other places to get Promises would be Screen Archives Entertainment and Footlight Records, both online. The only other dealers that took them are two overseas dealers and they only got ten between them, and then my local dealer who took fifty and who only sells to his list of people.
Footlight initially ordered thirty - the guy who now runs it is so silly sometimes - I mean he sold three HUNDRED Illya and Anya, and two hundred Show Girl and House of Flowers, all flops, yet he orders this kind of incredible special edition at thirty. I said "Fine, but you'll be sorry." A week later he upped it to fifty. But in his listing he didn't even say it was a limited edition of 1000 - I asked him to add that, but I have no idea if he did. If he were to come back to me today and say he needed more, he would be out of luck because no more copies are going to dealers - I make much more money selling on the site, and I'm about to be down to less than 100 copies, and, of those, I will hold thirty back for emergencies (after which, I can sell what's left).