BK, I had the privilege to work with Shelley Berman twice in dinner theatre, doing the water plays -- DON'T DRINK THE WATER & YOU KNOW I CAN'T HEAR YOU WHEN THE WATER'S RUNNING. A lot of actors did not think it a privilege to work with Shelley, because of what they perceived as his difficult temperment. I enjoyed both of my times working with him very much. What people didn't understand about him, that they thought made him difficult, was that he was very precise about comedy. They were sloppy actors. He hated actors who cluttered up a punchline by doing overwrought reactions and business. He firmly believed (which is something I believe in) "one joke at a time"; "keep the comedy clean (as in uncluttered)".
He taught me invaluable lessons about timing and comedy and I enjoyed working with him both times. We got along; I like to think because I "got" it. He was a very good actor and very smart. You could discuss Shakespeare with him. Off-stage time with him was a treat...some of the funniest moments I ever had were spent in his company. I'm delighted that he's had a late in life success with Larry David's show.
I remember once he and I were sitting in the house watching the director direct an actor in a big, overwrought, unfunny piece of shtick, Shelley glanced over at me dourly and murmured out of the corner of his mouth, "I like my comedy subtle." I nodded in agreement.