Good morning, all! I was awake at 5:45 am, and once I decided I was too caught up in this morning's trip, I decided to get out of bed, bathe, and start packing. I haven't decided yet if I'll head down to Port Authority and take a bus out to La Guardia or call a car service. That will determine at what time I close down the computer and head out. I will be E&T until Sunday afternoon.
I'm still debating on what to wear this morning to the plane; I've been thinking about wearing my suit because I'm afraid if I pack it, it will be terribly wrinkled by the tme I unpack and I'm really a pathetic person about packing a suitcase. I'm also going through my anxiety rounds on what necessities like shampoo, toothpaste and mouthwash I cannot pack because of all the regulations on liquids. Traveling no longer has the fun and adventure for me that it had twenty years ago. As to tonight's lecture. please send vibes. I'm not aiming to be stunning, simply passable.
I am looking forward to this weekend, seeing my friends in Canton, meeting new people, and seeing DR Ginny and Richard. I'm very flattered they're giving me this weekend. I think it will be fun.
Remember, BK, I am E&T until Sunday; I don't want to get back and find physical threats against me because I'm on the bitchslapping list!
As for the TOD, I have no media to report. I hope you all have a great weekend,