Last night, I ventured downtown for the CLO production of THE PRODUCERS which had a top-billed (!) Joey Fantone as Franz. The reason I was going was the actor playing Leo Bloom: Jim Stanek, who I had not seen in four years.
To say that this production was a delight from start to finish would be an understatement. I had forgotten how side-splittingly funny the book is when done properly. This production hit every note, every laugh and every groan for an enjoyable evening.
Of all the Blooms I've seen: Matthew Broderick, Don Stephenson and Hunter Foster, Jim Stanek was indeed the best. He made Bloom his very own creation and left his mark on the character. His was also the best-sung Bloom I've ever heard.
Jim and I spent a long time after the show catching up and he introduced me to his ever-lovin' wife.
Here's a photo from after the show: