Who is this blonde thing and why is she singing a song for a friend who died of cancer? Oh, I see, it's the death montage - what a sickening way of presenting it - she made it all about her, or at least the producers of the show allowed her to do so. Embarrassing.
A singer Jewel? How have I managed to never hear of her or her music? And I'm going to keep it that way - that studied, pretentious, and completely fake singing, emoting - just awful.
So, my email exchange with Don Black. It's quite possible that we might cast an African American as Joe Gillis in Sunset Blvd. There is a scene in the show between Betty and Joe when they are discussing the best way to write a movie and Betty sings "No one takes a black friend to a restaurant". It was really bugging me after auditions yesterday that that line might be an issue. In fact, such an issue that it was in some of the music I chose for callbacks on Wednesday. So, I looked up Don Black's info on the 'net, and emailed him my dilemma. This morning I got an email back from him understanding our issue and he sent me another lyric. That was really exciting.In the score, there are alternate lyrics here and there, which surprised me. But what surprised me more was that there wasn't an alternate lyric for that line. I realize that in the time period of the show, that was normal, but seeing as though the contender is an African American, I felt weird about it. It was either going to be an unwanted laugh, or end up being offensive.Oh, the new line - Make sure you don't criticise the FBIIt will take a little shoehorning with the notes, but it will work fine.
My publisher just informed me that my book is going to be available on Kindle.
I believe we finally have a final version of our Rave in the Nave poster, featuring our very own BK:http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4197609/CUMC/Rave/10_cumc_RaveInTheNave_poster_v4.pdf.zip
Outsourced looks like it will either be really funny or really dumb