I've been watching the 2nd Season of
If you're not familiar with the series, it might best be described as
"Hamlet Meets The Hell's Angels".
Actually, it's an excellent show, great writing, direction and acting.
My problem with the DVD set is that it contains
NO RECAPS of the first season or previous episodes.
So, since the First Season was released a year ago, you sit there trying to remember everybody's relationship to each other, so that you can understand why so-and-so said this or did that to such-and-such.
Sometimes it's difficult, particularly when they refer back to some event that took place early in Season One and you can't recall what that event was.
Would it be that difficult (or expensive) for the studios (Fox in this case, but other studios do it, too.) to include the same recaps on the DVD that proceed the episodes when they air on TV?
I think not.

See, like BK, I can rant, too.

But, his rants are funnier.