I got back from COCO to an unhappy phone call from the singer with the ankle who is not happy about what is going on. I sent to her, the record producer, the man with the funds, and the musical director an email saying, I've bent as far as I can for you, I've got 15 other singers to juggle, and if you're unhappy with the current schedule, perhaps I should look for a new singer. I hate this nonsense, especially being made to feel guilty because of her decisions and assuming I will fix things.
As to COCO, Andrea Marcovicci gave us a summer stock impersonation of Hepburn and couldn't save a lousy show. It's a mess: second rate score, horrible book, lousy characterizations and a strong lesban subtext. I'm sure with a huge star, Rene Aubergenois, George Rose, Michael Bennett, scenery, Cecil Beaton costumes and fabulous Hershy Kay orchesrations, the flaws were better concealed. It's still garbage.