What does one do if the bear comes to visit while you are outside?
First, avoid bear contact by walking loudly, singing, talking, using bells on your pack. If you encounter a bear, the best thing to do is to slowly back away from the animal while making soft, non-threatening noises- "Nice bear, good bear." Do not make eye contact with the animal, do not turn and run. If a bear charges you, you have little choice but to protect yourself by dropping into a curled fetal position. Put your arms over your head and roll up as tight as possible. Bears will often bluff-charge and stop before actually making contact with you, but if they are set on attack, this totally submissive posture often deflects the attack. A bear almost never wants to eat you, and usually doesn't want to kill you. He is most interested in neutralizing the threat he perceives in you by making sure you are down, immobile, and harmless. Most people who are attacked by bears (even grizzlies) survive.